instanced connectivity

caution to not to lose perpetual connectivity to instanced connectivity

instanced connectivity allows you to interact through a single application-specific communication client while temporarily locking you out of other communication clients

connectivity is best enabled as a perpetual state, with constant ability to engage through multi-tasking local communications clients connected to globally accessible networks

virtual reality could become a great and nuanced state of perpetual connectivity

vr is currently heavily instanced and difficult to maintain broader connectivity beyond other users who are currently jacked in on the same platform. instanced vr multiplayer while wearing a headset occupies your line of sight and hearing, and passthrough viewing does not currently allow you to look at and operate a mobile device. there are client-server integrations which vr platforms must enable before they can be considered a means of perpetual connectivity

an update in 2021 on the meta quest client enabled the ability to receive notifications in vr from a connected mobile device; but integration of external clients for direct communications or manipulation of a mobile device while jacked in are not yet available. mobile apps like the meta quest app which allow you to message vr users with notification of incoming messages in vr and the ability to respond in vr without exiting the current application are a step in the right direction

vrchat has the ability to run on desktop and is currently in alpha release for a client on android devices. this might be the closest application to integrate instanced connectivity in vr with client access for perpetual connectivity

online games used to be almost exclusively a form of instanced connectivity, but have adapted somewhat to the capabilities of parallel processing technology. multiple screens on desktops and multitasking on desktops and mobile devices have allowed for notification and engagement with other communication clients regardless of full-screen application use

overlay chats, beginning with the xfire client in 2003, have allowed users to communicate in a separate client without exiting active window in an online game. additional development is needed in this space to allow additional communications clients to continue to be fully accessable irrespective of full-screen application use

it is extremely important to not restrict ourselves to instanced connectivity, losing connection with our broader networks

multi-device, operating system agnostic, global communication clients need to be fully accessable no matter what terminal you connect from or which applications are occupying full-screen space

instanced connectivity is partial disconnection

stay connected